COVID-19 Re-opening Guidelines



As we opened the doors of the school building on June 8, we have taken into consideration the mandated CDC protocols and Summit County regulations. Picabo Street Academy has always considered providing a sanitary environment of paramount importance for our students.  We know how important it is for our student athletes to stay healthy so as not to lose valuable training or competition time due to illness.  We have always maintained an extremely high standard of daily professional cleaning practices and have intensified these in our plan to return to school.

Students who would like to come to school from June 8 will be required to adhere to the following protocols:

Picabo Street Academy will ensure a safe learning environment by:

Picabo Street Academy takes pride in delivering one on one learning opportunities to students in a sanitary and safe environment.  We strongly believe in maintaining best teaching practices, which involves interaction with our students either remotely or in person.  Having spent the last weeks teaching and learning remotely, we believe that some students may welcome the opportunity to learn in the classroom again, and we will provide this environment within the county mandated health guidelines. For those students who prefer to continue to receive support remotely, we will of course continue to do so.